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Registration Related

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All FAQs

  1. Who can register?
    Currently we allow only users having a valid UAE mobile number to register with us. However, in the future, we'll be opening the registration for more countries.
  2. How to I register?
    Currently the registration is only possible if you have a valid UAE mobile number. The registration is easy and takes only 2-5 minutes. Follow the steps below to register with us.

    1. Go to the Register / Log in page.

    2. Use the form on the left side.

    3. Enter your mobile number in international format i.e. the number should contain the country code (without leading 0s), operator code (without leading 0s) and the number. The number should not contain and spaces and hyphens. For eg: 971501234567

    4. Enter your email address.

    5. Enter a username. Username can only contains characters from A-Z, a-z and numbers from 0-9. It can also contain a single dot (.). Although username is mandatory, you can use either this username, or the mobile number or email address that you used in the earlier steps while logging in to your account.

    6. Enter a password. You'll need this while logging in to your account.

    7. Confirm the password you entered above.

    8. Enter the security code as it is shown in the image below that field. If the code is not clear, you can click the "Try a different code" link to generate a new code. This field is mandatory and helps us protect spam.

    9. Read the Terms and Conditions and tick the check box to confirm that you agree to it.

    10. Click the "Submit" button to continue.

    11. At this point, if the information you provided is all valid, you'll be redirected to next step and you'll also receive a SMS from "SMSArrow" with the verification code. You must use that code to verify the ownership of mobile number. Sometimes it might take few minutes to get the SMS depending on the network load. See question 9 for more details.

    12. Enter the verification code that you received via SMS. If you did not receive any SMS for so long, you can request to resend the code. You'll have to verify your mobile while requesting for the code again.

    13. Enter your full name, date of birth, nationality, and city and press the "Submit" button to continue.

    14. At this point, if your mobile is successfully verified, your accounts gets created and you get daily 1 FREE SMS. You will also receive an email from us with your account details and a link to verify your email address. You must verify your email address within 3 days. See question 12 for more details.

    15. You also get redirected to the next page where you can complete your profile and get more daily FREE SMS. See question 11 for more details.

    16. You can now start sending FREE SMS daily. You can also earn more FREE credits by inviting your friends.

  3. Why do I need to provide my mobile number?
    We allow users to send daily FREE SMS using our website. To avoid people creating so many accounts, we need a valid mobile number and it needs to be verified by the system.
  4. Why do I need to provide my email address?
    We will be occasionally contacting you for promotions and updates about our website and in reference to services from our clients. We do all such communications through email.
  5. Can I use the same mobile number or email address to register for another account?
    No. One mobile number and email address can only be used to create one account. However, if you have additional mobile number and email address, you can create another account with us.
  6. What is security code?
    A 6 character random alphanumeric string to help us avoid spam.
  7. What is Verification code?
    We send you a numeric code on the mobile number specified at the time of registration in order to verify the ownership of number. This way we avoid people from using someone else’s mobile number to create an account.
  8. What if I register but do not verify my mobile number?
    Until you do not verify your mobile number, you'll not be allowed to use our service for sending SMS.
    Note: You must verify your mobile number within 3 days. If you fail to do so, your account will be deleted and you'll have to register again.
  9. I did not receive a verification code. What should I do?
    Sometimes it takes a few minutes to receive SMS depending on the network load. However, if you do not receive a SMS from us with the verification code, you can request for a new verification code.
    Note: Once a new request is initiated, the old verification code becomes invalid and hence cannot be used for verification.
  10. Why do I need to provide my personal details in second step?
    We use this information for our sole purpose and promotional activities. We do not disclose this information to any third party.
  11. Is it necessary to provide other details in step 3?
    Filling up these details gives you extra FREE credits daily. Also, based on the details provided, we may occasionally contact you for any promotion or offer that matches your interests. However, all these details are optional and user can skip this form and still send FREE SMS.
  12. I've verified my mobile number but not the email address. Can I still send SMS?
    You can start sending SMS as soon as you verify your mobile number but you must verify your email address within 3 days of verifying mobile number. If you fail to do so, your account will become deactive and you'll not be able to send more SMS until you verify your email address.
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